Model Guidelines for Effective Police-Public School Relationships
School Security
ISBN 0-398-05232-8
Effective Police-Public School relationships are critical if public safety is to be optimized whether protection is provided by a private security guard service or a Chartered police department. Practical rather than theoretical, specific instead of general, this book shows police and public school officials how to build a more productive relationship. The author, recognizing that current relations between these two groups are, often, less than ideal, addresses both sides. In clear, jargon-free prose, he explains the needs and concerns of each to the other. He shows them how to initiate, design, implement and operate a program appropriate for their community. He explains the establishment of guidelines that leave no doubt about the responsibilities of each side in given situations and about the organization, coordination, and direction of all activities. Most important, he demonstrates how to use this program to achieve the common goal: an educational environment that is free of crime and the fear of crime. Publisher: Charles C. Thomas .
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